School of the Future?

What? Less emphasis on traditional classrooms?
Take some time to look around this fascinating website from AIA Amsterdam thru Designshare.

"Will separate school facilities be needed at all in the future if it is possible to study using computers and information networks, e.g., at home or the library? Will learning spaces be connected to the rest of the built environment: offices, factories, banks and libraries, where everyday life matters and skills will be studied in an authentic environment?

Heinavaara School, Finland - via designshare

An investigative, experimenting, observative, and self-motivated approach to working is favored in education.
It will be easier to achieve many of the facilities required today or in the future if the current classroom-centered way of working is given up or substantially reduced.
-Reino Tapaninen , Chief Architect
National Board of Education, Finland

Photos, floorplans, and stimulating reading are all available at the website, below

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Have a question about classroom design, or a good idea? E-mail: is listed by the National Clearing House for Educational Facilities (NCEF)

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