Bigger student desk, but still a tablet-arm design?

Recently CDF reader Bob D.wrote:

"I agree with your point about needing more desk surface for students. But is there a solution that gives students ample desk space but still allows for something like the space economy of tablet arm chairs"?

Bob, In checking thru the web sites of several big names in educational seating, I've only found one that retains the flexibility of tablet-arm chairs, but does somewhat increase the desk size for the student. See the pic below. Note that the square desk is going to make it hard for large students to fit into the chair!

The desk has 18" x 24" useable desk space and is available in lots of different variations.

I haven't had personal experience with the durability of these chairs over years of daily use in classrooms.

You can find these chairs on the web site of

Click on

Can anybody out there let us know how they have lasted in daily use?

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