A reader would like to encourage discussion about ADA seating.

Here's her letter.

"I work with students with disabilities at a community college. Do you address issues of disability access in your publications or on your web site? That would be a great service.

For example, I believe you were mentioned in a recent article on classroom furniture. I don't recall seeing any discussion of furniture for a student who uses a wheelchair -- i.e. that at least one table in the room should be adjustable.

I have seen entire computerized classrooms constructed where the consultant's view of access was to make the tables all a bit higher. Thus, students without disabilities were on their way to developing repetitive strain injury and the students in wheelchairs still couldn't use the tables because wheelchairs come in all sizes! When I asked another company representative about accessible furniture in a newly constructed math lab, she asked "Well, don't the wheelchairs adjust?"

So can you please include disability access in your articles and on your web site? A discussion thread devoted exclusively to that topic would help a lot of people. Thank you.

Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities
College of Alameda
Alameda, CA.

NOTE: For those who haven't already located a source for electrically adjustable computer tables, here's one manufacturer's web site; of course there are many others.


A quote from the manufacturer's web site:

"An ideal example of universal design is the motorized adjustable computer workstation. With the press of a button, the workstation can be raised or lowered to the level most comfortable for the user, whether standing or seated. An added benefit is improved ergonomics using appropriate task height.

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